Bee-Rite Auto Service
1445 Clifty Dr.
Madison IN, 47250
"Your Full Service Auto Specialist"

Full Service Repair
No job for auto or light truck to big or small. We handle difficult engine repair and parts replacement to the most simplest of oil changes. If advanced diagnostic is what you needs we have it.
We offer towing for any car or light truck. Make it one call with our full service shop to take care of any situation to get your vehicle back on the road.
Tires and Alignment
We offer all major brands of tires. We provide alignment services to protect your investment. We give free tire rotations on all 4 tire purchases. We also offer nationwide road hazard plans.
Call us anytime between the hours of 8am - 5pm Monday thru Friday. If can't reach us then leave us a message or email us at Dustin@bee-rite.com with details for a custom quote.
The Bee-Rite Advantage
We offer a great 24 month / 24,000 mile nationwide warranty on our repairs. We also give you a 2 yr nationwide roadside assistance plan on all repairs or service even as basic as oil changes. Ask us on your next appointment, visit or call about this coverage.